FRAVision offers translation services for the language pairs English-German/German-English and French-German/German-French. Larger projects and other language combinations are carried out in cooperation with partner agencies.
Specialist Subjects
Technology: Information technology, telecommunications, multimedia and computer games
Economics and marketing: Press releases, advertising material, brochures
Tourism: Texts relating to hotels, restaurants and travel agencies
Processing of multiple file formats, like Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Powerpoint, HTML (other formats on request)
Delivery of translated material available in various formats: print-out, CD-ROM, DVD, floppy disk (other formats on request)
Typographic services: adapting translations to fit the layout of source material
Translation Memory
FRAVision uses Translation Memory and integrated software glossaries for increased efficiency, reduced cost and consistent use of terminology and style.
Use of Trados (Workbench and Multiterm)